The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates’ Expert Educational Call-Ins: Please Be Our Guest!
(Updated September 2020)
One of our services to our Alliance advocate and pre-advocate members is to present programming through the use of teleconferences and webinars on business-related topics of interest. We enjoy inviting guest experts – like you! – to be part of these conversations. There is no charge to be a guest expert (nor is there any honorarium involved.)
This is rather simply, a phone or webinar conversation (your choice*) between you and a moderator from APHA. These events are interview-style, Q&A, minimizing the amount of prep work for you, and maximizing the usability for our members.
It’s also a great opportunity for you to promote your work by influencing advocates from across the US and Canada, sell your book(s), gather email addresses…. You help us, and we learn about and engage with you!
You can see the master list of topics we’ve covered so far here.
And a list of topics we’ve scheduled, coming up in the next few months.
All call-ins are presented live, then recorded and saved as podcasts and/or videos, to be made available to all members afterwards so all members can listen-in at their convenience. Additional resources may be added to each topic, providing a wealth of information to members as they need it.
Your expertise will be a welcome addition to this list of topics.
Here are the steps to developing each teleconference, and who (you, or us – APHA) is responsible for each step:
- (both of us) Schedule a date: We will provide some suggested dates. All call-ins are held Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday at 7 – 7:45pm eastern time
- (both of us) Develop a title and short paragraph description of the topic for inclusion on the Registration page. Samples can be found here. These descriptions serve two purposes: First, to alert people about the topic, and second to explain why it can be beneficial for them to participate.
- (APHA) Promotion: beginning about four weeks before your scheduled call-in, we will begin promoting it heavily through our weekly newsletter (the APHA Agenda) which goes to all members
- (both of us) Interview Questions / Agenda: 2-3 weeks prior to the call-in, we will contact you to begin putting together an outline of what we will talk about during the call-in. We’ll start the process, providing what we’d like to see covered. We’ll ask you for suggestions about info we might have missed. This will be a true collaboration to be sure that your expertise is showcased, and that participant callers get the information they need.
- (you) We ask you to provide us with resources our members can use after your call as we put together the outline. After each call-in, a podcast of the call, plus those resources (your contact information, links to more info on the web, names of books or other publications – whatever you have to offer) will be added to a follow-up page on the site.
- (APHA) The day BEFORE: We will forward the call-in phone number and code numbers to all registered participants – including YOU.
- (both of us) Day OF the call-in: You will phone in like the others, although they will be asked to mute their phones during the presentation (except when we open the floor to questions.)
That’s it! It’s actually quite easy, and we hold your hand through the process.
Thanks in advance for your participation, and helping us grow the professional career of private patient and health advocacy.
*The choice of phone conversation or webinar is yours to make. If you a slide deck or presentation prepared, we’re happy to make it a video presentation. If you prefer using a plain “old fashioned” phone conversation, that works too.