

By Invitation Only: Be an APHA Emeritus Member

The title says it all:  By Invitation Only

Over the years, you have been an active member of APHA.  We understand you are stepping away from active independent advocacy – at least as far as APHA and AdvoConnection are concerned.

But we also understand you aren’t ready to drop out of our world all together!  

Thus this invitation to be considered an Emeritus Member of The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates.  

emeritus members
Stay active Share your wisdom
Here’s why you are invited:
  • You were previously an active APHA member, for at least five years.
  • You were previously listed in the AdvoConnection Directory.
  • You have developed procedures, processes, and great wisdom over the years.
  • You are now slowing or closing your formal practice, but are still interested in all topics advocacy-related.
The benefits to an Emeritus membership:
  • There is no cost to you.  
  • You will have access to the APHA Connect! Discussion Forum.
  • You will receive our weekly APHA Agenda so you can stay in touch with what’s going on inside APHA.
The requirements: what we ask of you as an Emeritus member:
  • We ask you to post to the Connect! Discussion Forum at least once per quarter (4x per year).  A new topic, or a response – whatever makes sense to you. With all your great experience and wisdom, you have much to lend to the conversations that take place.  You can help newbies. You can help those who encounter a puzzling circumstance. You can help those who will carry the advocacy mantle behind you.  It’s that expertise we want to continue to tap into! (Don’t worry – we’ll nag – er – remind you to post!)
  • We ask you to continue to promote APHA to people who can benefit from what we offer to professional, independent advocates, and to promote AdvoConnection Directory as a great resource to patients and caregivers who need us.

That’s it!

If you wish to become an Emeritus member, please just send us an email confirming your interest. We’ll get you set up and will send you instructions for logging in to the Discussion Forum.

(Not interested? That’s okay. Just let us know.)

Questions?  We’re always available.

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