
Meet this APHA Speaker:

Lorie Gardner

Healthlink Advocates

Chatham, NJ


Lorie Gardner

Sample Topics:
  • The Empowered Healthcare Consumer – Navigating your Medical Bills and Insurance Coverage
  • Safe and Sound in the Hospital – Must-Have Checklists & Tools for your Loved Ones Care 
  • Managing & Preventing Disease with an Innovative Wellness Program

Presentations are highly interactive and have useful handouts of tips and tools so that your group leaves empowered and educated!

Fees: Fees are negotiable.

See this speaker’s website:

Find this speaker’s professional advocacy listing in the AdvoConnection Directory

Healthlink Advocates is a team of nurses and business professionals who are dedicated to educating, empowering and advocating for people confused by the healthcare system and in need of optimal care and services. We provide research on treatment options, assist in securing the best healthcare providers, attend physician visits and monitor hospital stays as well as coordinate services after hospitalization. Assistance with medical bills and insurance issues is also a service.

Contact Lorie today to speak to your group!
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